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What I'm Reading

If you are intrigued by ghosts, enjoyed The Ghost Whisperer TV series, or just like a light mystery, The Ice Cradle by ghost whisper Mary Ann Winkowski is a perfect choice for a winter night read.


When I read a book, I try to look for what's under the surface; I don't think some reviewers on Goodreads looked deep enough with this book! Underneath the supernatural, this is a story about the human experience--peoples' aspirations, sorrows, regrets, love, and relationships with one another.  Digging below the superficial, Winkowski gives the reader a lot to consider about tolerance, forgiveness, and compassion in this story.


I've had a few edgy paranormal-like experiences and took the opportunity to include some of these as background material in Flower Girl—from Suzanna's Boston terrier's unexplained encounters with apparitions to pacing footsteps marking a beat in the loft of Suzanna's home, The Honey Bear.


I challenge my readers to look under the superficial and see how these experiences might be placeholders for something deeper.

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