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STAY IN TOUCH. I love the concept of building a community. Join other followers and readers each month and receive behind the scenes scoops about my work as an author, tips on the craft of writing, book reviews, information on new releases and whatever is floating my boat that month. 


My Blog has transitioned to provide information on new releases and book updates, allowing me time to concentrate on my writing, providing readers with great stories and one of the best author newsletters ever!



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Three Cool Benefits of Micro Steps

New Year Resolutions may not be for everyone—a Forbes survey says about 40% of Americans take the step., but …


If you are among those who commit to changing things up (whether a New Year's Resolution or not), how do you set yourself up for success in reaching your goals?


Enter Micro Steps!

What are Micro Steps?

Micro Steps are simple steps that are consistent and meaningful, small actions that forward your momentum to your goal.
If you try to eat an elephant whole, I don't need to tell you what will happen.
On the other hand, eating the elephant one bite at a time and throwing in a bit of patience will deliver the results.


A Micro Step Example

Let's use me as an example. My goal is to complete my novel by April 1st. I have 30,000 words written (good job), but I need to produce 50,000 more. Yikes! That's overwhelming, I think, as mental images of climbing the Matterhorn, swimming the Atlantic, and walking across America stream like a motion picture in my head.


Then, I say, "Micro Step It."

I have fourteen weeks to complete my novel as I write this newsletter. So, let's do some fourth-grade math:

  • Fourteen weeks divided into 50,000 words = 3,571 words per week.
  • Six days per week (I take a day off from writing each week) writing time
  • Six days divided into 3,571 words = about 600 words a day.

That's my Micro Step!


Instead of mountains to climb, oceans to swim, or continents to walk, my mental images turn into smaller, doable things—a flight of stairs to climb, a pool lap to swim, and a block to walk.


Three Cool Benefits

The cool thing about micro steps is that they have three benefits that studies show help make achieving a goal a possibility instead of a dream. Micro Steps are:

  1. Action-oriented (specify what I must do—write 600 words)
  2. Time-bounded (provide a schedule to develop a habit—write daily)
  3. Reward oriented (each time I celebrate completing a micro step, the "feel good" chemical dopamine releases in my brain).


Simplify and Do Away with Complexity
Bring some Micro Steps into Your Life.

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Happy 2024

A bow of gratitude to my readers, and supporters and wishing all a great new year. 

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Lessons From A Heron

No exceptions for holidays or Sundays. The heron, which I've named Perseverance—Percy for short—shows up every morning and evening beside the creek next to our home. I ponder whether the bird has tucked a timetable under its wing like the one I carried in my coat pocket when I rode the Chicago Metra. Fishing is excellent in the beaver pond for Percy to maintain such a schedule.


My husband and I first see Percy sitting atop the barn swallow house before our morning walk when we throw bits of bread for the birds, cabbage for the fog, and carrots for the rabbit near our front walkway.


Thirty minutes later. We retrieve the morning paper from its clear plastic wrapper lying in our driveway and notice the bread crumbs have vanished, the cabbage has disappeared, and the carrots are missing. But Percy still looms over the marshy area, doing what Percy does best: persevere. I wonder if Percy has tasted breakfast and is waiting for more.


Midday. As I go to the mailbox, I look toward the swallow house and notice Percy is not perched on it. The creek and marshland are still. Rest time for Percy, I imagine.


Dusk. Our evening walk and Percy perseveres, a commanding presence on top of the swallow house. No critter along the creek or beside the beaver dam offers a challenge. Neck elongated, wings stretched, and motionless—Percy has spotted a likely candidate and waits for the right moment. Success is within reach.


LIKE A HERON, authors must leverage the strength of perseverance—persist in their writing despite obstacles and finish what they start.

An article titled "On Revision" in the Spring 2023 issue of The Authors Guild Bulletin caught my attention, likely because I needed a shot of Percy's perseverance.


LIKE A HERON, perseverance is the successful author's secret sauce. One author quoted in the article revised her first book twenty times, another said she revises a manuscript at least one hundred times, and Margaret Atwood was quoted saying, "A piece of writing had to go through at least seven drafts."


LIKE A HERON, rest periods are essential to boost perseverance: think heart and its relaxation between beats. Think Percy resting during the middle of the day. Deborah Gall says she gives her manuscripts "space and time to rest, like resting a piece of meat or fish after it comes off the grill" before revising.


LIKE A HERON, an author's (teacher's, artist's, student's, runner's, fill in the blank) success doesn't come on the first attempt. In fact, the real magic happens when authors give themselves the space to revise their manuscripts—letting the piece rest and then persevere LIKE A HERON with fresh eyes to re-vision and create a spectacular manuscript.



Success is within reach.

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Authors Have Summer Vacations Too

It's not all writing!  Authors have families, hobbies, and yes, summer vacations too!  This month, I'm sharing a favorite vacation spot that provided inspiration for scenes in Blackhorse Road. 


I hope these scenes come alive for you and inspire you to visit--virtually or otherwise--this magnificant natural beauty.


Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada

Since I was four years old, I've made many trips to Lake Louise and the Canadian Rockies. In the early days, there weren't as many tourists as their were when I was older, but the splendor of the Lake and the the Chateau on the lake's edge could never be denied.  This is a vacation spot that will inspire and lift your spirit.


LakeLouise-1-Pixabay.jpg  LakeLouise-2-Pixabay.jpg


Here's some of what Luci writes to Barry about Lake Louise and the Chateau in Blackhorse Road


Sunday, July 3, 1966

Dear Barry, . . . There are no words I can find to describe the beauty of the Canadian Rockies and this place in particular. Chateau Like Louise . . . lives up to its name. It sits at an altitude of over a mile and is the grandest hotel in which I have ever stayed. The views are dramatic . . . Towering, snowcapped mountains that seem to touch the clouds surround the Chateau. The lake in front of it sits at the bottom of the valley like a little teacup and is the most magnificent turquoise color I've ever seen . . .


Happy Travels!

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I’m NOT a writer. I’m an author.

New York Times bestselling author Tucker Max says, "An author isn't the same thing as a writer. A writer is someone who focuses on craft . . . an author is someone who has a message."


Yes, I am an author.


Last month's Let's Talk Flawless Witness Virtual Meetup supported, at least in my case, his statement.


The first question in the 90-minute meetup took a deep dive, exploring the messages in Flawless Witness.


I began writing fiction in response to a challenge issued by my fellow positive psychology life coaches. In a conference call, I suggested positive psychology concepts for achieving a flourishing life shouldn't be limited to self-improvement books but should be incorporated into works of fiction.


Thus, the journey began six years ago to author stories about the human experience, showing how ordinary people tackle challenges, live through sorrow and betrayal, struggle with doubt and forgiveness, and act on their aspirations to achieve flourishing lives.

Numerous positive psychology concepts form the bedrock of Suzanna's story. Universal values—courage, justice, humanity, gratitude, and transcendence—are strengths Suzanna draws upon to stay on the pathway toward her North Star and grow in self-awareness, self-compassion, and forgiveness.


"How do you carry these themes and metaphors throughout the story?" Megan asked during the Virtual Meetup.


A schematic I shared with the Meetup attendees shows how these themes and metaphors intertwine throughout Flawless Witness.


My mission is to deliver stories that show a flourishing life is possible despite facing overwhelming odds. I hope I've done my job well.


Cheers and Happy Reading!

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Reader . . . Be Aware!

In his Grammar Moses column on April 8th, Jim Baumann challenged his readers to a test:  Determine which one of two blurbs on gerunds was written by the artificial application ChatGPT and which was written by him. (The AI version took forty-one seconds to create; Baumann's took five minutes).


If readers were expecting the choice would be easy . . . well, they'd have to think again. 


In his follow-up column the next week, Bauman gave examples where readers (even some of his most ardent followers) were fooled. Most readers felt the AI version was adolescent, lacked variability in sentence structure, and tried too hard to interject humor.


In academic circles (think student papers, professor's articles, graduate student theses) and among professionals (think bloggers, attorneys, journalists), valid concerns about the use of AI are raised—who is the real author writing those papers, blogs, and articles? And where do the facts, assumptions, and conclusions come from?


Beyond these worries, how might the use of AI impact the literary field in fiction and non-fiction works? Will readers be able to tell between works generated by artificial intelligence and those written by (human) authors?


The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in literature has raised several concerns among scholars, writers, and readers alike. While AI can undoubtedly offer innovative tools and new creative possibilities, it also presents certain challenges and risks.


One primary concern is the potential loss of human creativity and authorship. Literature has long been considered a reflection of the human experience, emotions, and imagination. Critics argue that AI-generated literature lacks the genuine human touch and the unique perspective that comes from lived experiences and emotions. AI systems may mimic existing works or follow established patterns, but they struggle to create truly original, authentic narratives.


Another worry revolves around the ethical implications of AI-generated literature. As AI systems learn from existing texts, there is a risk of perpetuating biases, stereotypes, or discriminatory content. If an AI model is primarily trained on works that reflect certain cultural or social biases, it may unknowingly reproduce and amplify those biases in its own output, leading to skewed representations and reinforcing existing inequalities.


Additionally, the question of intellectual property and ownership arises. Who should be credited as the author when an AI system generates a literary work? This dilemma blurs the boundaries of copyright law and raises complex legal and ethical questions.


Lastly, there is a concern that AI-generated literature might devalue the human creative process. If AI systems become proficient at producing literature, it could potentially flood the market with an overwhelming amount of content, making it difficult for human authors to gain recognition and financial sustainability.


While AI offers exciting possibilities for literary exploration, addressing these concerns is crucial to ensure that the essence of human creativity, diversity, and authorship are not compromised in the process.


* * *

So, who wrote this blog? 

ChatGPT generated all the text beginning with: The increasing use of artificial intelligence . . . .   So, Reader Be Aware!

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"You Must Be Kidding!"

"You must be kidding!" my critique partners exclaimed as we discussed some historical elements of Adrienne's Choice, the novel I'm writing.


Set in southwestern Ontario, Canada, 1899-1900, there were many "You've got to be kidding" insights as we talked about the era—scenes not from my imagination but from research about the period and the challenges and restrictions women faced.


It's 1899, and Adrienne Langlois is searching for financial and personal autonomy. She has completed teacher training at the Toronto Normal School, but cultural, family, political, and religious norms challenge her decision to seek a career and employment as a teacher.   


Here are some Aha's causing my critique group to exclaim, "You must be kidding." Many of these are used as the foundation for Adrienne's Choice.

  •  In the nineteenth century (and well into the twentieth), married women were restricted from teaching. Marriage made women ineligible and considered not to be "professional." In a few districts that allowed married women to teach, they had to resign if they were pregnant.
  • Women comprised the majority of teachers but often worked for less than half the pay of their male counterparts. Women were restricted to teaching elementary grades because it was believed they could not control older children and were best suited to nurturing younger students.
  • Women were prohibited from becoming school administrators, serving as school trustees, or having a voice (vote) in selecting trustees.
  • It wasn't until 1884 in Ontario, with the passage of the Married Women's Property Act, that married women could enter into legal agreements and buy property. Before this time, a husband's permission was necessary for a wife to enter into contracts or administer or sell property she had owned before marriage. There were no provisions for the equitable division of property in case of marriage breakdown or death. This did not change until the passage of the Matrimonial Property Acts in the 1970s.
  • The youngest unmarried daughter was often the child expected to stay home and care for aging parents, restricting women from seeking both a career and marrying.
  • Women were confined to mental institutions for behaving in ways against societal or cultural norms. Diagnoses of religious excitement, suppressed menstruation, insane by overwork, insane by childbirth, insane by the loss of property, insane by nymphomania, and pregnancy outside of marriage were some of the reasons women were committed to mental institutions by husbands, brothers, or another male. Of women committed to the Toronto Queen Street Asylum before 1900, a quarter were diagnosed with "female trouble" -- "childbirth, lactation, miscarriage, menstrual disorders, uterine disorders" and other natural conditions seen as "the predisposing cause of insanity."

What happens when Adrienne bucks cultural, political, and religious norms to seek autonomy and fulfillment? This is the story of Adrienne's Choice.



Women and the Law

A Historical Overview of Education in Canada

Lunacy in the 19th Century: Women's Admission to Asylums in United States of America

Upper Canada (Ontario) Insane Asylum Inmates

Upper Canada (Ontario) Malden Insane Asylum Inmates

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Origins of a Story

It was only after readers of Flower Girl kept urging me to know more about what made the story's antagonist Jonathan Herbert Spencer III tick that I began writing the novel's sequel, Flawless Witness.

I approached the story with curiosity and trepidation—mostly the latter, unsure whether I wanted to travel down the dark hole of Jonathan's mind. Digging into the motivations and specific behaviors associated with egocentrism, emotional abuse, betrayal, and exploitation often associated with narcissism would not be uplifting, to say the least!


But my inner voice said the story was worthwhile, and I persevered, though, after each day of writing, even a hot shower couldn't entirely remove the remnants of Jonathan's thoughts, language, or behavior. With the encouragement and input from my critique group of fellow women's fiction authors (Nicole, Frani, and Jessica), I completed the first draft and, with still some apprehension, handed it to my beta readers.


The critique of the first manuscript draft by the beta readers and the developmental edit critique by Diane Donovan—. . . that the exploration of the predator's mindset and his prey's actions and reactions deserves to be not just on bookshelves but an intrinsic part of any discussion groups centered on healing, recovery, and insights about predatory behaviors—convinced me that the benefits of Flawless Witness to readers outweighed any personal downsides I had in writing the story.


To present Jonathan's dimensions not visible in Flower Girl, I chose to include his point of view in Flawless Witness as equal to and juxtaposed to Suzanna's. I wanted to show the characters' interiority through their words rather than a narrator's. Flashbacks and journal entries were techniques used to serve this purpose and to resurrect the time when the characters' story began and ended.


Warning: Jonathan's diary contains what my mother would call salty language and indecent behavior, but likely not as offensive for today's audience. The front matter of the novella has a trigger statement: This story contains elements of sensitive material often associated with narcissistic behaviors such as egocentrism, emotional abuse, betrayal, and exploitation.


I hope, in the end, the work provides a realistic portrayal of an emotional predator's mindset and does justice for those like Suzanna who have borne witness.

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Start A New Tradition

Most of my newsletter readers know I'm a fan of old letters, diaries, and journals. These source materials are invaluable to me as I create relatable characters who face challenges, live through sorrow and betrayal, struggle with doubt, and act on their aspirations to achieve flourishing lives.


My godmother's diaries are an inspiration—seventy years of journal writing every day! Her diaries (and others) give me insight into long-forgotten challenges—like the entry: Wed. Feb. 20, 1924: Smallpox broke out at the Gordon Deneau farm . . .  Who would have thought the Roaring Twenties included smallpox outbreaks? Or the entry about a cousin whose five-month-old baby died the day before; six weeks later, another entry documents that the cousin's husband had passed away too!


But more than these sorrowful entries, I marvel at the celebration of life, positive emotions, and strong relationships—family spending time together at picnics, festivals, dinners, and more.


I admire my godmother, who wrote in her diary every day for seventy years. I envy her for being able to look back through her entries at Christmas (or any other date), relive happy memories, and celebrate relationships.


This year, when I looked at many of her entries at Christmas, a light bulb went off! 


Everyone may not be as disciplined as my godmother, writing every day, but think about the gift of memories people could give themselves if they picked one holiday, birthday, or other significant date and journaled once a year on that date. What a gift of memories and a keepsake to hand down for generations that follow!


How about it? Are you up for the challenge of creating that new tradition? I hope so.


Cheers, and happy journaling!

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